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Pause Breathe and Pray for the Peace in the world. Their peace is yours too.

Blog: Welcome

Buone Feste! Happy Holidays!

This letter is in Italian and English. Questa lettera e' in italiano e in inglese. Ciao a tutti! Eccomi dopo un po' di tempo, il tempo...

Gratitude Understanding and Respect

Hi my beloved friends 💕 It has been a while I did not write. The discipline in writing is not my strongest quality but I ensure you...

Our Logo

Our logo says it all! The tree, which roots are connecting all of us can make only one type of the fruits, the hearts. Welcome to us!...

A lots of Love, Joy and Freedom!

Spring and its flowers have arrived and they are more beautiful than ever in our eyes. They look like real and more precious jewels. We...

The Story of Smart Ring

Hello my dear friends! I really appreciate your purchase and I am here to thank you and tell you my story. My wonderful journey began a...

Human Class Area

Abundance is all around us and in us. We are gifted with immense potential, in and out. We are here to bring the best of ourselves and...


My first self cultivated cherry tomatoes. These little ones filled my heart with joy. Luckily, along with my immense love for them, I can...

With Life is All Solvable

It's good to write verse to talk. The words on the paper comes after your breatg and they come out from the heart. While we talk,...


Colors are really my big passion. Today my little guests left the swimming pool full of balls, one more beautiful than other. Thinking of...

Il mese sacro / Holy Month

IT Il mese di Ramadan in CALENDARIO HIJRI - Calendario lunare - È iniziato alcuni giorni fa. È un mese in cui il Sacro Corano ha iniziato...

The Compass

It - Sì, sono benedetta e grata. Puoi sentirlo sulla mia faccia. Sto contando i miei passi nel mezzo delle strade innevate di questo...

Basilico / Basil

IT - Alcuni doni hanno un buon odore, un bell'aspetto, un buon nutrimento e una grande ispirazione. La mia amata amica qui a Riyad e la...

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